George Dimov is one of most promising and one of the best Tax Consultant and CPA based in NYC. He carries 12 years professional expertise in the field of accounting & taxation.
Running the complete operations in-house was not running working out to be cost effective.
Non availability of experts bringing along cost effectiveness.
More expensive while rendering services and less flexibility.
Review business process controls effectiveness to ensure processes operate effectively by teaming up.
Capturing the data, processing the requisites and promptness in reporting.
A well designed internal process gives an edge locally to thrive in a highly competitive environment.
Improving deliverables within deadlines and there were no time lags between accounting and reporting.
Financial Statement Analysis doing daa mining, evaluation and summarizing.
Processing is done on a sorted transactional code validating the promptness in assessment of the info.
Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.
We were amazed by how little effort was required on our part to have Consulting WP prepare these materials. We exchanged a few phone calls and e-mails, and they… handled the res